Granularize Your Active Directory Reconnaissance Game Part 2
Matthew Creel
Last month Fortalice open-sourced BOFHound, an offline BloodHound ingestor for raw ldapsearch results. Along with BOFHound, we released a companion tool for it, pyldapsearch, and submitted a pull request to TrustedSec's CS-Situational-Awareness-BOF modifying the ldapsearch BOF to include the nTSecurityDescriptor attribute. Adam Brown wrote a post accompanying the release, which covered much of the tool's background, including blue team strategies for detecting BloodHound useful and the red team's reversion to more manual LDAP querying techniques. This blog will serve as a follow-up to that post, covering some usage strategies for ldapsearch + BOFHound and going into the updates that were recently pushed to BOFHound in version 0.1.0.